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A Guide to Recovering from Dental Crown Placement

May 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 5:29 pm
Dental patient smiling after receiving new crown

Has your dentist informed you that you need a dental crown? Understandably, you might be a little nervous about the road ahead. Will you be uncomfortable after the procedure? How will the crown feel in your mouth? How should you care for your new restoration? Read this guide to recovering from dental crown placement to discover helpful information.

Expect Some Mild Soreness

Part of the crown placement process often involves removing some enamel from the tooth. After any local anesthesia wears off, you may start to experience some soreness both in the prepared tooth and the surrounding tissue, such as your gums.

You can minimize any discomfort by rinsing with warm salt water, avoiding foods that cause sensitivity (such as anything extremely hot, cold, or spicy), and taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

Usually, soreness from crown preparation lasts for just a few days.

Caring for a Temporary Crown       

The traditional method for crown placement requires patients to wear a temporary restoration while a laboratory creates a permanent one. Temporary crowns are somewhat vulnerable to damage, and they are more likely to fall off than permanent ones. Therefore, you should avoid sticky foods and hard foods. You should also try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.

Oral hygiene is very important when you have a temporary crown. You should continue to brush your teeth twice a day. However, you should not floss around the crown because you might accidentally tug it out of place when you are removing the floss.

Caring for a New Permanent Crown

Some dentists offer one-visit permanent crowns, which are placed on the same day that the tooth is prepared. This expedited process can allow you to avoid the inconveniences of a temporary crown. However, you can still expect some mild soreness in the days after your procedure.

A permanent crown is durable enough to allow you to eat virtually any food, including tough, sticky, and chewy items. For at least the first 24 hours, though, you might want to avoid such items. You can thereby give the cement beneath your crown a chance to solidify and minimize the chances that your new restoration will fall off. Being careful with what you eat can also help to alleviate soreness.

Dental hygiene with a permanent crown is pretty simple. You can brush and floss your teeth as normal.

If you ever have questions about how to care for your restoration, you should feel free to reach out to your dentist. They want to help you through the adjustment period. Hopefully, your new crown should soon feel like a natural extension of your body!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Erick Anderson is an experienced dentist in Colorado Springs who is pleased to offer one-visit crowns and many other oral health services. If you have questions about what to expect during or after any dental procedure, our team would be pleased to speak with you. Contact Anderson Family Dental at 719-593-0988.

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