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Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Head-to-Toe Wellness

December 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:35 pm
Mature woman enjoying overall and oral health in Colorado Springs

Unfortunately, the importance of oral health in Colorado Springs is often minimized. In reality, though, what happens in your mouth plays a huge role in your overall wellness. This blog post discusses some serious conditions that can result from poor oral health. It also touches on how you can protect yourself.


Can a Tooth Infection Kill You?

December 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — e_anderson @ 8:32 pm
Woman with a tooth infection standing against white background

Approximately 15 years ago, the tragic death of a 12-year-old boy in Maryland made national headlines. What was the cause of his untimely passing? It all started with an untreated tooth infection. His experience provides a serious warning: While deaths resulting from dental issues are rare, they can happen. Read on below to learn how tooth infections can lead to fatal consequences. You will also discover some simple things you can do to protect yourself.
