Dentures are a practical and time-honored way to address tooth loss; they have helped generations of patients to enjoy more confident smiles and a more balanced diet. Still, if you want your prosthetic teeth to serve you well, you have to take good care of them. How can you do that? Here are some practical tips:
(more…)Use These Tips to Take Good Care of Your Dentures
September 23, 2023
Reminder: Get Your Child a Mouthguard for the New School Year!
August 24, 2023
The new school year is here! Are you excited to watch your child participate in school sports? No doubt, you want your son or daughter to be safe as they are developing team skills and enjoying the physical benefits of regular exercise. Therefore, you should strongly consider getting your child a mouthguard for the new school year. Why are mouthguard so important? This blog post explains.
(more…)How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?
A fixed dental bridge offers an excellent way to replace a lost tooth. It can be natural-looking, sturdy, and highly functional. But how long do dental bridges last? Are they worth the money? Indeed, you can expect your restoration to endure for at least several years. This blog post discusses the average lifespan of dental bridges and provides some tips on how you can help yours to stand the test of time.
(more…)How to Make Brushing and Flossing a Daily Habit
July 19, 2023
In all the busyness of daily life, it can be easy to forget about small but important details. For example, despite their best intentions, some people do not brush and floss their teeth as often as they should. Other people let good oral hygiene slip by the wayside because they are overwhelmed with everything else that is going on in their life. How can you make brushing and flossing a daily habit? Here are a few tips:
(more…)Why Do Toothaches Get Worse at Night?
Sleep is vital for good health. If you fail to get enough of it, your overall wellness and your quality of life are bound to suffer. Unfortunately, a toothache could prevent you from getting the shuteye you need to feel your best. The pain might even be worse at night than it was throughout the day! Why do toothaches get worse at night? This blog post talks about a few possible reasons.
(more…)5 Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies during Summer Vacation
June 20, 2023
Do you have plans for an upcoming getaway? The last thing you want is for a toothache or other urgent oral health problem to ruin your vacation. How can you avoid such a situation and keep your smile healthy? Use these tips for preventing dental emergencies during summer vacation:
(more…)Soak Up the Sun for a Healthier Smile!
June 14, 2023
Sometimes, the sun gets a bad rap. There are a lot of warnings out there about how overexposure to sunlight can cause burns and even increase the risk of cancer. However, while it is true that you want to avoid overdoing it on your exposure to the sun’s rays, it is also important to keep in mind that sunlight isn’t all bad. In fact, soaking up some sun can actually help you to enjoy a healthier smile! This blog post discusses how that is the case.
(more…)A Guide to Recovering from Dental Crown Placement
May 25, 2023
Has your dentist informed you that you need a dental crown? Understandably, you might be a little nervous about the road ahead. Will you be uncomfortable after the procedure? How will the crown feel in your mouth? How should you care for your new restoration? Read this guide to recovering from dental crown placement to discover helpful information.
(more…)How Do You Know if You Need a Dental Filling?
May 15, 2023
According to one estimate, more than 90% of adults over the age of 40 have had decay in their permanent teeth. Often, the best treatment for a small cavity is a filling, which can stop the spread of the decay, reduce sensitivity, and offer other benefits. How do you know if you need a dental filling? Read this blog post to discover some signs and symptoms that indicate you should visit your dentist.
(more…)Dental Emergency During Summer Vacation? Here’s What to Do
April 18, 2023
Do you have plans to get away from it all this summer? Whether you are taking a domestic adventure to the beach or you are traveling abroad, you may be eagerly looking forward to your escape. Unfortunately, some people find that their summer vacation is interrupted by a painful dental emergency. If that happens to you, what should you do? Here are some helpful tips: